I began my journey thinking knowledge was power, and now I think the ability to increase ones capacity to learn is power. Specifically, I learned about the power of growth, what I believe is the true essence of learning, and the power of growing through networking. All of this helped me to realize the proverbial rut that education has become. Godin, Dweck, and Jeffrey all have inspired me in my work this course. Check out my growth mindset plan.

My pride and joy is to see students achieve their potential. I believe that interests and choice will bring the greatest change to the education system. Please enjoy reading my beliefs on learning.

  1. Train kids to contribute in the area that brings them joy.

  2. Make room for the growth of scholars by allowing them to fail and then succeed.

  3. Accept that yesterday’s education model has served its purpose and must evolve.

Collaboration is an integral part of education. A educator, who is an island is foolish. Without collaboration in the education field (teaching or learning), one will stay an island.

Click the photo to the left to see my experience with collaboration in this course.

Another aspect of collaboration is joining with those institutions who will be able to make you stronger. This can mean joining a variety of organization. Click the link the right to read about my chosen organizations.