Summer Term Contribution To My Learning Network (5304)

In EDLD 5304, I believe I have earned a score of 95 out of 100.  My rationale is that I met all of the key and supporting contributions.  Once again, I actively tried to maintain a growth mindset, collaborate with my team on peer review for portfolios, discussed assignments in our GroupMe thread for best practices, frequently discussed the weekly topics in GroupMe after studying all course materials, and met most of the deadlines in a timely fashion.

My collaborative group roster remained the same and consisted of Ben Branco, Tristan Dixon, Fred Williams, and LaDonna Green; we peer reviewed all assignments and implemented it for feedforward. GroupMe remained our primary method of communication and was a wonderful safe-space to celebrate our successes and share certain frustrations.  I continue to believe connecting with this group was the best choice.

Although institutional change was new and difficult; I am pleased with my growth.  I continue to struggle with discussion posts as the topics and content are discussed in class and there is no point value directly assigned.  We also integrated the content from the discussion posts into the assignments.  I continued to do all of this in the midst of major, personal life, transition: I feel this is the grade I have earned.


Fall Contribution to Learning Community Part 1


Summer Term Contribution To My Learning Network