Fall Contribution to Learning Community Part 1

In my current EDLD 5318 & 5389, I believe I earned 95 out of 100. My rationale is that I met all of the keys and supporting contributions. I always aim to maintain a growth mindset, and I believe this happens through teamwork.

My team has been consistent throughout the program. Ben Branco was my closest collaborator, as well as Tristan Dixon, Fred Williams, and LaDonna Green. We frequently discussed all the assignments and gave each peer feedback. I consistently implemented my peer feedback as they made it better. We also discussed the course materials and how we could produce the best deliverables for each module. GroupMe remains our primary method of communication as opposed to the Blackboard student lounge. Groupme was much more convenient than Blackboard and allowed a more timely response. It was a wonderful, safe space to celebrate our successes and share particular frustrations. I continue to believe that connecting with this group was the best choice.

I believe I have grown through this course and plan to continue growing in time management, leading to more participation in the discussion posts, in-depth reading of course materials, and working ahead on projects. Now that I have made a smooth transition into online teaching, my work-life balance has become more positive. Smoother life was a pleasant change from the lack of time, personal upheaval, and physical illness I had experienced in previous semesters. I genuinely believe these are obstacles that I have overcome. One remarkable change is that my current job is more open to modern course planning methods and willing to let me try my innovation plan. A growth-minded organization is needed to advance my network.

Regarding content, I was pleased with the assignments offered in the class. I enjoyed applying the content to the discussions and coursework. I feel that the schedule of classes was somewhat disjointed, and the alternating weeks did not lend themselves to establishing a consistent routine. I would have also liked to discuss more of the content in class and have open floor debates. There should also be room for students to present their plans and projects in the course. Rotating is a digital gallery walk.

I feel my primary grades justify this self-assessment. I also believe I plan to go into teacher coaching and eventually produce education technology. My style of facilitating learning is far too different now than when I first started. After graduation and this initial plan, I will seek more ways to implement change in the American education system. I know not what that will be in the future.


Final Contribution to Learning Community


Summer Term Contribution To My Learning Network (5304)