Designing Online Learning overview

This masters program has been the journey of a lifetime. I previously designed course using a poor mix of behaviorist and constructivist ideas, which means it was mostly style over substance. Building on the constructivist principles I have been learning in each course, I was able to build a foundation for the course that will improve with each subsequent unit. The course was designed using Finks 3 Column table and based off my BHAG.

I designed the introduction and Unit 1 module to provide an introduction to the course and set parameters for the year-long project assessment. This and future modules will all be housed on Google Classroom. The feedback I received from administrators, co-teachers, and students left me with good feedback to be explored.

The Course Design Chapter details the process of identifying the grade-level, standards, and the basis for learning. I set clear goals and state how I will attempt tailor learning to the needs of the students.

The Implementation Chapter further expounds on the initial course design by staging it in the Google Classroom LMS and setting guidelines for the Project-Based nature of the course. The first module also demonstrates the extent of the instructional materials given as well as processes for scholars to find their own sources.

The Penultimate Chapter of this particular story sees students, coworkers, and leaders interact with the first edition of the course. In summary, the feedback was positive with great steps for growth. Feedback will be implemented with each new module and refined with each new school year.

I believe the main lessons of this class are as follows:

  1. Never fear designing something new and showing it to leaders

  2. Do not be offended when feedback invariably is given, reflecting the need for growth

Ten years ago, I would have stayed in the comfort of the rut. This initial course design as show me as an educator that the first steps are the more intimidating and the next steps are the most exciting.