Welcome! Please take a Moment to explore my Innovative Journey.
I began this journey will Applied Digital Learning knowing I would learn something new with technology; however, I never expected that it would change me as a person and leader. The greatest change in me was that I removed the multiple layers of “box” I had allowed leaders to place on me. One such layer was the fear of publicly displaying my learning in an ePortfolio. The assignments were not simply work with which to occupy my time. They were in fact stages of growth in my thinking about learning. As my task is to plan an ePortfolio that shows my aptitude to lead change in an organization, I began with the end goal in mind.
Step 1: The Purpose of an eportfolio
This is the plan that began my journey. Assessing learning is often thought of as simply giving a test or an essay. Demonstrating Learning is quite different. That is why I proposed the ePortfolio plan.
Click the graphic to the left to access the following:
Introduction to the ePortfolio plan
The Written Proposal
The Implementation Timeline
The Literature Review
The Book Review of Upcoming Reads
Step 2: Learning About Myself
When I began with my plan, I realized I was learning much about myself as a learner. I mostly learned that I had a fixed mindset, worked alone too much, limited learning under the old system, and surrounded myself with similarly small minded people. My Professional Learning Journey has required me to reframe my mindset around integral 21st century concepts. This entailed accepting hard feedback for peers who thought differently than me. It’s the differences that strengthen and grow as a learner. Throughout this journey, I have developed thoughts on
the Necessity of Growth Mindset
My Learning Manifesto
the Value of Collaboration
key professional affiliations
In reflecting the concepts of demonstrating learning and growth, its becomes evident that none of this has happened under the old system of teaching. The environment has not been hospitable to true learning. Any keen observer of the school system can see that the lack of student success is the low-hanging fruit of this system. If teachers want a significant learning environment, we must create one. I most recently embarked on the journey of creating that significant environment.
Click the graphic to explore the process as featured in:
The New Culture of Learning
The Philosophy of Learning
Aligning Portfolios to Outcomes
Designing the Course
My Reflections on Growth Mindset
Online Course Design
Certain topics require further discussion. In this section, I highlight certain topics that warrant further discussion. The length usually depends on the topics. I am currently highlighting these following blogs:
Innovation Dis...Wait For It... Rupted! Disrupted!!
Helping Develop a Growth Mindset
Growth creates a Culture of Greatness
Digital Show and Tell
CSLE, Environments, Choice, and those cursed cellphones.
The Learners manifesto
Second Term Contribution To My Learning Network
My Professional Network
There are many more thoughts to come.
Becoming a world Changer
Click here to see my journey with 4DX.
Over the past months, I have experienced the use of ePortfolio’s. I was introduced to the concept in January, studied them, and investigated how to cajole institutions into allowing a rather radical change by public school standards. Thankfully, I have found institutions that will allow me to implement them. As a result, I used this course to document my journey.