My Professional Network

Professional Networks

Part of the benefits of networking is the opportunity to learn about new ideas and laws affecting what can be done in the classroom. Collaboration with these organizations can actually be the difference between a good day and a career ending. It can also mean the difference between growth and stagnation. As I have not found other organizations yet, most of my organizations involve legal protection.


This is a respected legal defense organization that keeps teachers informed as to the latest legal developments. They publish a yearly magazine called “The Teachers Survival Guide” which provides teachers with sound advice for the upcoming school year. TCTA also guarantees legal protection for teachers in the event that a parent, out of control administrator, or false accusation arises to potentially end a career. In order ensure it is a safe space for teachers, they do not allow administrators to join. TCTA also offers continuing professional development that goes on the teachers record. I recommend considering joining this organization if you live in the state of Texas.


CSLE, Environments, Choice, and those cursed cellphones.


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