Growth creates a Culture of Greatness

Growth mindset is vital to my goals as a career educator as I matter less and less. I can remember an old Calvin and Hobbes comic strip where Calvin speaks disparagingly of his teacher saying “For some reason, they would rather teach us stuff that any fool can look up in book.” The author’s timely criticism made me realize (albeit 30 years after the publication) that students have the ability to look up information, that is so much more detailed, online. Therefore, I must be willing to allow technology to supplant my content expertise. As one lecturer in the TED talk said, “We need to teach technology.” I echo this assertion as we need to teach about the credibility of sources and the synthesis of information for the purpose of application. 
10 years ago, I was totally the opposite in my thinking as I taught school the way it has always been taught. 5 years ago, I began implementing technology and having students do research. Today, I use a very open, collaborative model. Now, I find myself realizing that I am going to have to push myself to be a content creator to stay relevant as an educator. There are numerous Youtube channels and online tools, but I am primarily using this class to get started. My biggest roadblock is getting myself ready for criticism. Having had the dubious distinction of being a millennial, it is true that we are very used to praise and some do falter under criticism. Dweck criticizes overly praising people as it creates a false growth mindset. A person will think they are doing well when they are faltering. My mindset has to be that of seeking (constructive, healthy) criticism/coaching that will help me top my own greatest achievements. Greatness isn’t a one time achievement, but a lifestyle. To be great implies a past/passive verb tense. Being great is an active tense. That is why the culture of growth must be actively developed for future greatness.  This will address the needs of the learners by using UDL, which basically creates three common networks that all learners access. The access points will require personalization as different stimuli will activate “networks” differently. Every leaner can learn; we just need to be willing to grow past yesterday so we truly access the ability learn. 


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Digital Show and Tell