Second Term Contribution To My Learning Network

In this 5313 and 5303, I believe I have earned a score of 90 out of 100. My rationale is that I met all of the key contributions and supporting contributions. I actively tried to maintain a growth mindset, collaborate with my team on peer review for portfolios, discussed assignments in our GroupMe thread for best practices, frequently discussed the weekly topics in GroupMe after studying all course materials, and I met most of the deadlines in a timely fashion.

Further developing a growth mindset was difficult, but I made substantially more progress as I was actively seeking feedback. My collaborative group roster remained the same and consisted of Ben Branco, Tristan Dixon, Fred Williams, and LaDonna Green. We frequently discussed all the assignments and gave each peer feedback. I always implemented my peer feedback as they made it better. GroupMe remained our primary method of communication and was a wonderful safe-space to celebrate our successes and share certain frustrations. The uniqueness of our team is that we are a resolution focused team and we make each other better.

I do believe I have grown in the area of time management as I participated more in the discussion posts for 5303. The lack of time, personal upheaval, and physical illness I have experienced this semester was obstacles that I have overcome. I also believe I have grown in m understanding of modern course planning methods and now I would like to grow in my application of said methods. I also believe growth in organizational structures is needed for better advancement of my network and myself.


Helping Develop a Growth Mindset


CSLE, Environments, Choice, and those cursed cellphones.