Course Implementation

As previously mentioned, the core of the course is constructivist, content covering World History, and the assessment as Learning. This is why the introductory module has students create two things: an ePortfolio and learning teams. The teams will work together to discover the content after a brief introduction to each unit. The introductory unit allows students to create and structure their ePortfolio. The concept of the ePortfolio is to serve as authentic assessment and their main method of presentation. This is where they literally document their personal learning. The school has numerous resources for digital learning and online content; with this course leveraging those resources to the fullest. The teams that will be formed must have stated rules, agreements, and responsibilities that are up for review with each new unit of study. Students will also have procedures for confronting disengaged scholars.

I have begun designing my course. To put this in context, I recently took a position teaching online; affording me the opportunity of tailoring this course to be fully online and 50% asynchronous. That is a very interesting dynamic as it requires me to vacate the role of Presenter to serve as Coach and Mentor. Further enveloping me in this role is the project-based learning I am doing. Coaches, Facilitators, and Mentors provide information that “whets the appetite” and guides young minds down the path of research. It’s an opportunity to teach valuable life skills; literally learning as they do the work. Its a moment of transference and can be very special if done well.

For clarity, this is a student centered course. Students will make blog posts, but will also do reaction posts of other students work. Students will also be invited to provide a reflection on the teams work for each unit. Referencing the structural document of general guidelines there is a rubric that students can use. The main goals, of the course, will be clearly stated in the introduction module and most importantly are aligned to the TEKS.

Also worth stating, there may be occasions for teachers to step in. This is why email is the best for of communications, but video conferences will be available. If the students need me, I’m there.