For the upcoming school year, I will be proposing a plan to extend the potential in student work. This will be done by implementing the use of ePortfolios. Students will have the opportunity to choose assignments and projects that show creative will and skill; building a track for their future. They will begin by using school provided resources with the purpose to allow them to own learning; taking it with them when they graduate.

Every innovative idea requires a strong plan. For this program, scholars will be utilizing a form of blended learning, in that the student use technology with their projects. Now, they will have the opportunity to collect the evidence of their learning.

Every project needs a direction in which to travel and guidelines to follow. The following outline should be treated as evolving railroad track that can grow with each landmark and evolve with each checkpoint review.

ePortfolios are growing in popularity because of their proven effectiveness. Each group that has studied the impact of ePortfolios found that they had some variation of positive influence on the student body. This is a review of several key pieces of literature on ePortfolios in blended environments. Click the link on the left to see.

In the process of change, there are studies that must be consulted and books on this subject have been becoming more and more preeminent for the last several years. Click picture to the right to see what I am reviewing to deepen my understanding from the field.