Documenting my Journey

Over the past six months, I have experienced the use of ePortfolio’s.  I was introduced to the concept in January, studied them, and investigated how to cajole institutions into allowing a rather radical change by public school standards.  Thankfully, I have found institutions that will allow me to implement them.  As a result, I used this course to document my journey.

The first task was to make an outline. This outline laid out the content for the article that I would potentially like to be published, advertise myself, and set parameters for the publications. The intrinsic value of an outline holds the foundation and structure for future plans.  After writing a thorough outline, I received and implemented feedback when writing my rough draft.

The next step in the process was to create a rough draft, based on the outline.  I wrote and edited this draft heavily prior to submission.  Pleasantly, I was rewarded with a good grade.  The intrinsic value of this assignment is the refining of a writers thoughts, so their voice becomes more voice determined. I found my voice belongs to the blog format as my draft attracted preliminary attention in this format.

A welcome step in the process was the opportunity to create a long-form podcast promoting my mission.  Due to the free nature of a podcast the video was long, but garnered more positive attention for the article. I look forward to making more episodes.

I could not have accomplished all of these assignments without the learning community. This part of the journey was quite emotional as they propelled and pushed me to excellence in all areas.

After revising some weak areas in my introduction, I submitted my final draft and await publication acceptance. It’s quite thrilling to potentially get published, and I hope this will build my brand and mission.

Documenting my Journey

Over the past six months, I have experienced the use of ePortfolio’s.  I was introduced to the concept in January, studied them, and investigated how to cajole institutions into allowing a rather radical change by public school standards.  Thankfully, I have found institutions that will allow me to implement them.  As a result, I used this course to document my journey.

The first task was to make an outline. This outline laid out the content for the article that I would potentially like to be published, advertise myself, and set parameters for the publications. The intrinsic value of an outline holds the foundation and structure for future plans.  After writing a thorough outline, I received and implemented feedback when writing my rough draft.

The next step in the process was to create a rough draft, based on the outline.  I wrote and edited this draft heavily prior to submission.  Pleasantly, I was rewarded with a good grade.  The intrinsic value of this assignment is the refining of a writers thoughts, so their voice becomes more voice determined. I found my voice belongs to the blog format as my draft attracted preliminary attention in this format.

A welcome step in the process was the opportunity to create a long-form podcast promoting my mission.  Due to the free nature of a podcast the video was long, but garnered more positive attention for the article. I look forward to making more episodes.

After revising some weak areas in my introduction, I submitted my final draft and await publication acceptance. It’s quite thrilling to potentially get published, and I hope this will build my brand and mission.