Making America FUNCTION: The Constitution, Since 1789

The Constitutional Convention

The primary reason it was held, was to address the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

Founders wanted a written guideline for the country to follow.

The Constitution is the document created to define and organize the American government, through rule of law.

  • Provides an outline for the U.S. Government.

  • Establishes separation of powers.

  • Improved on the Articles of Confederation.

Did everyone agree with what was included? NO! In fact, Compromise saved the whole gathering from failing.

Why was that needed? Factionalism

Two groups called Federalist and Anti-Federalists emerged. Federalists believed very strongly in the need for a centralized government. Anti-Federalists believed in more decentralized, state-powered government. The two plans that emerged reflected that idea.

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The Two Constitutional Compromises

The Great Compromise aka The Connecticut Compromise

The Great Compromise combined the Virginia Plan, which favored large states and the New Jersey Plan, which favored small states to make a two-house legislature.

  • It was called the Connecticut Compromise because it was created by Roger Sherman from Connecticut.

  • This plan set up a 2-house legislature (bicameral)

  • One house based on population – House of Representatives

    • Each States number of people in House of Representative based on population of the state (meant to represent the individual on a federal level)

  • One house based on equality -Senate Balanced the power of big and small states

    • Senate would be equal in that All states have two Senators from each state. (meant to represent the state government on a federal level).

    The 3/5 Compromise

    • Focused on how to count slaves and decided slaves were counted as 3/5 of a person  for both Representation in Congress & Direct taxes. This was used to balance the population gap between industrial and agrarian states.

New Jersey Plan

  • oFavored by small states

  • oOne house of Congress (unicameral)

  • oEach state would have EQUAL representation

  • oSimilar to the Articles of Confederation

Virginia Plan

  • Favored by large states

  • Two houses of Congress (bicameral)

  • Representation based on population

  • Created a stronger national government (this was stronger than the Articles of Confederation)