Sophomore World History can be quite boring to the traditional high school student. I believe that is why the key to having a well designed course is to build from tradition, rather than viewing it as confining creativity.  The truth is that I can be replaced by google.   To maintain relevance, I would assume the role of a mentor rather than an all knowing leader.  Using technology I would be responsible for good test scores. This can be viewed as a restriction or as incredibly freeing, considering I work for a traditional behaviorist school.When considering my current online work environment and course requirements, I believe I will be using online learning, which is primarily tests and quizzes.

We currently have all of the expected accoutrements such as syllabi, outlines, and state standards; however my assessment choice will deviate from the the tests and quizzes by using the ePortfolio.  I have observed that effective ePortfolio usage relies very heavily on outcome based learning.  My experience in this program/course of study prompts me to lean into the outcome based learning.  I would set the outcomes and the students would be in charge of their own learning. This is why I have decided to use project based learning. 

In conjunction with my team, we are developing projects to go with each unit. The project sampled addresses the TEKS associated with the Renaissance.   A scenario is created that requires them to identify pivotal points that comprise what we now call the Renaissance. This project fully embraces the Constructivist Principles of assessment as learning and outcome-based education. Questions may arise concerning balance, but the key to balance is letting creativity show. Students are hemmed in by outdated state expectations for testing and what traditional teachers believe constitutes learning.

This course was designed using Finks 3 column table (the unabridged version), a district YAG, and unit map. The schedule of workshops and benchmarks were developed according to my districts regulations and is included in the Project Launch PPT.

Influencing Documents Provided by the Courtesy of Comal ISD